20 Feb Visualising Environmental Humanities And History: A Postgraduate Workshop (4-8 May, 2015)
Australia-Pacific Environmental Humanities Observatory, Sydney Environment Institute, University of Sydney.
Centre for Environmental History, Australian National University, Canberra.
4-8 May, 2015
Are you writing a PhD or MA in environmental history or humanities, and are interested in the relationship between writing and filmmaking?
The Australia-Pacific Environmental Humanities Observatory will be joining with the ANU’s long-established program of biennial environmental history postgraduate workshops to hold a joint workshop in May 2015 at the University of Sydney, eligible for postgraduate students from all over the country.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together doctoral and master students with common interests in the relationship between the writing and filmmaking of themes and subjects within the broad field of the Environmental Humanities. No prior knowledge or expertise in filmmaking is required. We aim to address the commonalities and differences between these two modes of research and communication, and to work in practical ways to explore how your theses might be invigorated or reshaped by creative, open-minded reflections on environmental writing and filmmaking. Students will be expected to participate by speaking, writing and storyboarding elements of their own research, and by doing some preparatory reading in advance.
Sessions will be held on each of the five days (Monday 4 May to Friday 8 May). These will feature seminars, evening film showings and practical workshops, as well as individual and group student presentations of research and potential film ‘storyboards’.
Course organisers will be Professor Iain McCalman (Sydney Environment Institute, USyd ) and Professor Tom Griffiths (Centre for Environmental History, ANU). Our national and international guest teachers will be environmental historian and filmmaker Professor Gregg Mitman, (University of Wisconsin, Madison), Moira Fahy, award-winning producer, director and writer of the Australian Film Company, One Thousand Productions, teacher-participant and filmmaker Rob Nugent (ANU), and Dr Josh Wodak, UNSW, Environmental Historian and Digital Arts and Science producer.
How to apply
The workshop is designed primarily for doctoral and master students currently enrolled at universities in Australia and New Zealand who are undertaking studies in the field of environmental humanities (broadly defined). The number of participants will be strictly limited in order to facilitate discussion and practical teaching attention. There is no registration fee.
Please apply by providing the following:
- a brief curriculum vitae
- two short statements, one describing the subject of your research and the other explaining what you hope to get from the workshop. Together, these statements should not exceed 500 words.
- documented support for your attendance from your supervisor (a signature or email will do). Send your application via email to mccalman@sydney.edu.au. by Monday, 16 March 2015
Financial support will be available to participants from outside Sydney. We will include reimbursement for a return discount economy fare plus a contribution of $180.00 per night to cover your accommodation expenses.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Sponsored by the HfE Australia-Pacific Observatory of Environmental Humanities, the Sydney Environment Institute and the Centre for Environmental History, Australian National University.
Image: “World Map – Abstract Acrylic” by Nicolas Raymond
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