Call for papers

Announcing a new(ish) Environmental Humanities journal

RESISTANCE: A Journal of Radical Environmental HumanitiesMarco Armiero, Editor-in-chief From Resilience to Resistance: An Almost New Journal for Environmental HumanitiesResilience: A Journal of Environmental Humanities is entering a new phase in its evolution. Under the leadership of the new editor-in-chief, Marco Armiero, the journal is undergoing...

CFP: Special Issue of Environmental Philosophy in Memory of Forrest Clingerman

Environmental Philosophy, the journal of the International Association for Environmental Philosophy, announces a memorial issue (guest editors, David Utsler and Brian Treanor) dedicated to the work of Prof. Forrest Clingerman (1972 –2024). Clingerman was a prolific scholar, notable member of the International Association for Environmental...

Call for Chapters and Creative Artefacts

Friends/Colleagues, With our Call for Chapters and Creative Artefacts for 'Ceding Control: River Running Rights in Australian Environment Policy', the editors want to focus on Australian water environmental ethics and policy with a humanities lens (acknowledging the intersection with science is critical). Why Australian? Given the...

Translating with the Earth: Gender, Feminism and Eco-Translation

We are inviting papers on the intersections of gender, feminism, translation and ecology for the inaugural special issue of Feminist Translation Studies (Routledge). More information can be found at:

CFP: Petrocultures24 / SOUTH

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Biennial conference series Petrocultures is coming to Perth, Western Australia, 11-13 November 2024. Organised by members of the Energy Humanities Initiative at Curtin University, Petrocultures2024/SOUTH sees this international energy humanities community come to the southern hemisphere for the first time. Via the theme of...

CFP Educating For Societal Transitions (HERD special issue): June 30 2024

Please consider submitting a paper to our special issue "Educating for Societal Transitions" in the peer reviewed journal Higher Education, Research & Development (HERD). How is higher education evolving to catalyse societal transitions in times of complexity and change? Share your scholarly insights and innovations....

Bioregional History and the Global South

Please consider submitting an abstract to our panel "Bioregional History and the Global South" (Panel Envi01) at The Fourth World Congress of Environmental History taking place at the University of Oulu, Finland from 19-23 August 2024. We are looking forward to interdisciplinary discussions from the Global...

CFP: Precarious Planet: Disability, Rights and Justice (29 Nov – 1 Dec)

Conference hosted by the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies and Challenging Precarity: A Global Network. University of Wollongong, Sydney Campus, Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia29 November – 1 December 2023Conference website: -- CALL FOR PAPERSMany contemporary societies have reached a crisis point in the...