21 Dec CFP 4S: Composting Feminisms & Environmental Humanities (Sydney, Aug 29 – Sept 1 2018)
Come compost and compose matters with with us at 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference) Sydney, Aug 29 – Sept 1, 2018.
Open panel Composting Feminisms & Environmental Humanities (panel 44).
Abstract submissions due Feb 1, 2018.
ORGANISERS: Lindsay Kelley, UNSW; Susie Pratt (University of Technology Sydney), Astrida Neimanis (University of Sydney), Jennifer Mae Hamilton (University of Sydney) https://compostingfeminisms.wordpress.com
ABSTRACT: Imagine the process of reading and writing as composting. Matters break down and re-emerge as new matters. In the spirit of a feminist politics of citation, how might we attune ourselves to the ways in which new ideas are always indebted to writings, readings and practices that have come before? What and how are feminist genealogies composted in and through the Environmental Humanities? What concepts are especially fruitful, and why? In what forms do these ideas re-emerge? How are these genealogies acknowledged? What ideas are yet to be added to the Science and Technology Studies (STS) compost pile? We encourage submissions that compost feminisms with Environmental Humanities and STS in a transnational context.
Composting, as a feminist practice, has been taken up by a University of Sydney-based reading and research group of cross-institutional, trans-disciplinary scholars exploring the traces, legacies and intersections between inclusive feminisms and broad Environmental Humanities. Started by Dr Astrida Neimanis and Dr Jennifer Mae Hamilton in September 2015, the Composting Feminisms and Environmental Humanities group wishes to connect with transnational composting kin through this open panel at 4S. STS & Environmental Humanities share many key feminist interlocutors and this panel is an opportunity for discussion of similarities and differences. We cannot envision feminisms without attending to queer, indigenous, anti-racist, anticolonial, crip, and other intersectional perspectives. In the spirit of a more expansive, transnational conversation, submissions that queer the traditional paper presentation format and offer creative provocations which embody the research are also encouraged, including performances, ficto-criticism, video-art and speculative design. Compost piles are, after all, emergent multispecies wonderlands.
FURTHER INFO: The conference will take place in Sydney, Australia from August 29 to September 1 2018. All information about the conference can be found here https://4s2018sydney.org/
You can submit your paper to our panel (panel 44) through the online platform here: https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/ssss/4s18/
If you have any questions please contact composting4s@gmail.com
Steamy regards,
Lindsay, Susie, Astrida and Jen
“Promiscous we!
Me, plus anybody else.
Permeable we!”
– Eve Kosofksy Sedgwick
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