26 Aug Unbuilding multispecies violence in storied place: a triptych art-academic event
Unbuilding multispecies violence in storied place: a triptych art-academic event
Abstracts due 5 pm, Friday August 30th
This is an invitation for artist-researchers and academics to participate in a triptych art-academic event comprised of a collaborative workshop, a three-day writing retreat, and a one-day Symposium.
This may interest anyone working in the interdisciplinary fields of feminist animal studies, critical animal studies, human-animal studies and environmental arts and humanities.
NB: While the Symposium forms part of this trio of events it will also operate as a stand-alone event held at Deakin Downtown and will be open to participants and registrants who have not attended the previous events. CFP will be released for the Symposium in the coming weeks.
We invite those who seek to trace, articulate, salvage, dismantle, recover, recompose or repair multispecies relations, lives and habitats damaged through the interrelated (and ongoing) processes of colonisation and industrialisation to apply.
We are particularly interested in hearing from artists and researchers who are thinking and working with, for and about farmed animals, endemic/native animals, introduced ‘wild’ animals, companion animals and how they are enmeshed in ‘storied place’.
This multifaceted event aims to:
- facilitate research and writing development through collaborative research-creation and experiences;
- provide space to test ideas, curate new imaginaries together, share knowledge and sources;
- catalyse and support ongoing discussions about methodologies for multispecies attention, care and the possibilities for ‘unbuilding’ violence in storied place.
Key event dates:
Collaborative workshop September 6th 10 – 5 pm
Three-day writing retreat October 4th – 6th
All-day Symposium October 23rd
Those keen to participate in the Symposium, but not the two previous events, please register your interest via email and a Call For Papers will be sent to you in the coming weeks.
Those who are interested in taking part in all three of these events please send a 300-word project description (.doc or .pdf) and a brief bio to Dr Hayley Singer hayley.singer@unimelb.edu.au and Dr Kate Hall k.hall@deakin.edu.au by 5 pm Monday August 26th. ** Deadline for abstracts extended till Friday August 30th.
The collaborative workshop and writing retreat can only support 12-15 participants. A small selection of readings will be sent around prior to the collaborative workshop.
The University of Melbourne School of Culture and Communication and the Deakin University Deakin Critical Animal Studies Network are supporting these events.
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