queer Tag

Translating with the Earth: Gender, Feminism and Eco-Translation

We are inviting papers on the intersections of gender, feminism, translation and ecology for the inaugural special issue of Feminist Translation Studies (Routledge). More information can be found at: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/special_issues/gender-feminism-eco-translation/...

Hacking the Anthropocene III: What do we WANT?

The Anthropocene names a new geological epoch where “Man” is a determining cause of planetary systems change. But who and what is missing from this headline of “humans destroying the planet”? In its third iteration, Astrida Neimanis and Jennifer Mae Hamilton have invited an extraordinary...

Weathering the Apocalypse (Survival Skills Workshop)

Workshop Part of the cluster of events known as Hacking the Anthropocene is Weathering the Apocalypse (Survival Skills workshop). This event is on Monday May 29 at the River Canoe Club of NSW in Tempe. We invite participants to challenge dominant survivalist narratives of militant self-fortification and...

Climate Change and the Quest for Transformative Fictions (Public Lecture)

Public Lecture In association with the Department of Gender and Cultural Studies and in collaboration with SEI (Sydney Environment Institute). Climate Change and the Quest for Transformative Fictions is a public lecture by Professor Stephanie Le Menager, with Professor Christopher Wright as respondent, chaired by Dr Jennifer...