Job advertisement

5 salaried PhD Positions in Environmental Humanities (Sweden)

Note this exciting opportunity to fund 5 PhD positions in Linkoping, Uppsala and Stockholm in the environmental humanities! Please spread the word and help identify excellent, highly motivated candidates. Deadline for applications is May 25 2015. *The positions will be housed in various departments (gender; environmental change; technology...

Numbers on trees by Masine
Post docs in Environmental Humanities at the University of Chicago

The Limits of the Numerical Project at the University of Chicago invites applications for two Postdoctoral Scholar positions supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, both expected to last for a total of three academic years (2015-18). Each Postdoctoral Scholar will propose and pursue an...

12 PhD Fellowships in the Environmental Humanities (KTH/RCC/Leeds)

The Environmental Humanities for a Concerned Europe (ENHANCE) Innovative Training Network is now seeking applicants for twelve PhD/doctoral researchers. Four PhD fellows at the Environmental Humanities Research Group at the University of Leeds Four doctoral fellows at the Rachel Carson Center at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich...

Second snow, University of Oslo, Norway. Image: Lynn D. Rosentrater.
Environmental Humanities positions at University of Oslo (Norway)

A position as Associate Professor in Cultural History specialized in orders and histories of knowledge, with an emphasis on the cultural history of nature, is available at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo. A position as Associate Professor in Museology and...

Paul V. Galvin Playhouse, Arizona State University
Environmental Humanities job at Arizona State University

My School at ASU, in conjunction with the School of Sustainability, is looking to hire a TT Assistant Professor in Environmental Humanities. The job description is here: I expect many of our junior Envirotech members will be well situated for this position, and I hope we'll...

University of Cape Town
Masters Fellowships in the Environmental Humanities, Cape Town

Applications are invited for three Masters fellowships for the M Phil specialising in the Environmental Humanities programme at UCT, funded by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation. Towards an Environmental Humanities of the South: Debates about ecology, energy and natural resource management in Southern Africa are often trapped...